Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why Bother to Learn About World Religions

I have been an atheist for some time because I have deep doubts about all religious structures but, thanks to my youngest son who shares a lot of my philosophical views, my youngest daughter who is a Wicca, my older daughter who is a Jehova Witness, my oldest son's family who are Buddhist and my childhood girl friends with thier spiritual beliefs, I have set off on a quest to discover the various traditions of the world.

The Muslims are not the only people whom we fear will overrun us; Ben Franklin had this to say about the Germans:

"Those who come hither are generally of the most ignorant Stupid Sort of their own Nation…and as few of the English understand the German Language, and so cannot address them either from the Press or Pulpit, ’tis almost impossible to remove any prejudices they once entertain…Not being used to Liberty, they know not how to make a modest use of it…I remember when they modestly declined intermeddling in our Elections, but now they come in droves, and carry all before them, except in one or two Counties...In short unless the stream of their importation could be turned from this to other colonies, as you very judiciously propose, they will soon so out number us, that all the advantages we have will not in My Opinion be able to preserve our language, and even our Government will become precarious."

"Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion."
There is only one cure for this type of fear:  Learning about that which is unfamiliar.

ag·nos·tic        One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.

a·the·ist           One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.

Ba·ha'i            Of or relating to a religion founded in 1863 in Persia and emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind.

Con·fu·cian     Of, relating to, or characteristic of Confucius, his teachings, or his followers.

Study Questions for the Analects of Confucius

1. In Analect 6.18, Confucius says, “When one’s basic disposition overwhelms refinement, the person is boorish; when refinement overwhelms one’s basic disposition, the person is an officious scribe. It is only when one’s basic disposition and refinement are in appropriate balance that you have the exemplary person.” In what way is this similar to Aristotle’s idea of the mean?

2. In Analect 7.1, Confucius says, “Following the proper way (dao), I do not forge new paths; with confidence I cherish the ancients…” But in Analect 15.29, he says, “It is the person who is able to broaden the way (dao), not the way that broadens the person.” How can these two statements be reconciled?

3. In Analect 15.24, Confucius says that if there is one expression which can always be relied upon to direct proper action, he replies that it is, “Do not impose on others what you yourself do not want.” This has been referred to by some Western scholars as the “Negative Golden Rule.” In what way does this edict differ from the Golden Rule with which we are more familiar? Is the content of the principle significantly altered?

4. Confucius often speaks of social harmony as a primary virtue and uses musical analogies to make his point. What do these analogies tell us about his conception of harmony? Consider Analect 13.23, “Exemplary persons seek harmony not sameness; petty persons, then, are the opposite.”

5. Early translators of the Analects rendered the Chinese word “yi” as “right,” “duty,” or “morality.” Recently, some scholars have suggested that “appropriateness” is a more faithful translation. Consider the differences between these terms. How might one’s interpretation of Confucius’s thought be substantially different when contemplating the new translation, as opposed to the older versions? What does this tell us about the differences in Western conceptions of morality as opposed to those prevalent in East Asian traditions?

Chris·ti·an·i·ty The Christian religion, founded on the life and teachings of Jesus.

Hebrews 1

The Son Superior to Angels

In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.


Orthodox Church  The Eastern Orthodox Church.

  1. Of or relating to Luther or his religious teachings and especially to the doctrine of justification by faith alone.
  2. Of or relating to the branch of the Protestant Church adhering to the views of Luther.

French-born Swiss Protestant theologian who broke with the Roman Catholic Church (1533) and set forth the tenets of his theology, known today as Presbyterianism, in Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536).

  1. Of or characteristic of the Church of England or any of the churches related to it in origin and communion, such as the Protestant Episcopal Church.
  2. Of or relating to England or the English

  1. A member of an evangelical Protestant church founded on the principles of John and Charles Wesley in England in the early 18th century and characterized by active concern with social welfare and public morals.
  2. methodist One who emphasizes or insists on systematic procedure.
  1. A member of an evangelical Protestant church of congregational polity, following the reformed tradition in worship, and believing in individual freedom, in the separation of church and state, and in baptism of voluntary, conscious believers.
  2. baptist One that baptizes.
  1. A type of church government in which each local congregation is self-governing.
  2. Congregationalism The system of government and religious beliefs of a Protestant denomination in which each member church is self-governing.
  1. A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism.
  2. often Fundamentalism An organized, militant Evangelical movement originating in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th century in opposition to Protestant Liberalism and secularism, insisting on the inerrancy of Scripture.
  1. Of, relating to, or occurring at Pentecost.
  2. Of, relating to, or being any of various Christian religious congregations whose members seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit, in emulation of the Apostles at Pentecost.

A member of the Society of Friends.


A member of an Anabaptist church characterized particularly by simplicity of life, pacifism, and nonresistance.


A member of a radical movement of the 16th-century Reformation that viewed baptism solely as an external witness to a believer's conscious profession of faith, rejected infant baptism, and believed in the separation of church from state, in the shunning of nonbelievers, and in simplicity of life.


An orthodox Anabaptist sect that separated from the Mennonites in the late 17th century and exists today primarily in Ohio and southeast Pennsylvania.

Unitarian Universalism

A religious association of Christian origin that has no official creed and that considers God to be unipersonal, salvation to be granted to the entire human race, and reason and conscience to be the criteria for belief and practice.

Christian Science
The church and the religious system founded by Mary Baker Eddy, emphasizing healing through spiritual means as an important element of Christianity and teaching pure divine goodness as underlying the scientific reality of existence. Also called Church of Christ, Scientist.


A member of any of several Christian denominations that believe Jesus's Second Coming and the end of the world are near.

Je·ho·vah's Witness

A member of a religious denomination founded in the United States during the late 19th century in which active evangelism is practiced, the imminent approach of the millennium is preached, and war and organized governmental authority in matters of conscience are strongly opposed.


  • One who adheres to the religion of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.
  • Such persons considered as a group; the unconverted.
  • One who is regarded as irreligious, uncivilized, or unenlightened.
  • Such persons considered as a group.
her·e·tic           A person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.

Hin·du·ism       A diverse body of religion, philosophy, and cultural practice native to and predominant in India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation from earthly evils.

Is·lam             A monotheistic religion characterized by the acceptance of the doctrine of submission to God and to Muhammad as the chief and last prophet of God
  • The people or nations that practice Islam; the Muslim world.
  • The civilization developed by the Muslim world. 

  1. The monotheistic religion of the Jews, tracing its origins to Abraham and having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Talmud.
  2. Conformity to the traditional ceremonies and rites of the Jewish religion.
  3. The cultural, religious, and social practices and beliefs of the Jews.
  4. The Jews considered as a people or community. 
pa·gan           One who is not a Christian, Muslim, or Jew, especially a worshiper of a polytheistic religion.

pol·y·the·ism  The worship of or belief in more than one god.

  • Not domesticated or cultivated; wild: savage beasts of the jungle.
  • Not civilized; barbaric: a savage people.
  • Ferocious; fierce: in a savage temper.
  • Vicious or merciless; brutal: a savage attack on a political rival. See Synonyms at cruel.
  • Lacking polish or manners; rude.
  • A person regarded as primitive or uncivilized.
  • A person regarded as brutal, fierce, or vicious.
  • A rude person; a boor.
  • To assault ferociously.
  • To attack without restraint or pity:
Shin·to           A religion native to Japan, characterized by veneration of nature spirits and ancestors and by a lack of formal dogma.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the World's Religions Author: Toropov, Brandon.; Buckles, Luke.
Publication: New York Alpha Books, 1997. Product ID: 9940 eBook ISBN: 9780585086132
ISBN: 9780028617305 Subject: Religions. Language: English

Passage results: Hebrews 1:1-2 (New International Version)

Study Questions for Analects.doc Valdosta State University

List of Christian denominations by number of members

Largest denominations in the world

  1. Catholicism - 1.2 billion
  2. Catholic Church - 1,147 million[1]
  3. Roman Catholic Church (Latin Rite) - 1,129.9 million
  4. Eastern Catholic Churches (Eastern Rite) - 17.1 million
  5. Alexandrian
  6. Ethiopian Catholic Church - 0.21 million
  7. Coptic Catholic Church - 0.17 million
  8. Antiochian (Antiochene or West Syrian)
  9. Maronite Catholic Church - 3.1 million
  10. Syro-Malankara Catholic Church - 0.5 million
  11. Syriac Catholic Church - 0.17 million
  12. Armenian
  13. Armenian Catholic Church - 0.54 million
  14. Chaldean (Eastern Syrian)
  15. Syro-Malabar Catholic Church - 4.0 million
  16. Chaldean Catholic Church - 0.65 million
  17. Byzantine (Constantinopolitan)
  18. Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church - 4.3 million
  19. Melkite Greek Catholic Church - 1.6 million
  20. Romanian Church United with Rome, Greek-Catholic - 0.8 million
  21. Ruthenian Catholic Church - 0.65 million
  22. Slovak Greek Catholic Church - 0.37 million
  23. Hungarian Greek Catholic Church - 0.29 million
  24. Italo-Greek Catholic Church - 0.07 million
  25. Croatian Greek Catholic Church - 0.06 million
  26. Belarusian Greek Catholic Church - 0.01 million
  27. Bulgarian Greek Catholic Church - 0.01 million
  28. Georgian Byzantine Catholic Church - 0.01 million[2]
  29. Macedonian Greek Catholic Church - 0.01 million
  30. Albanian Greek-Catholic Church - 0.01 million
  31. Greek Byzantine Catholic Church - 0.01 million
  32. Russian Catholic Church - 0.01 million
  33. Breakaway Catholic Churches - 28 million
  34. Apostolic Catholic Church - 5 million
  35. Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association - 4 million[3]
  36. Philippine Independent Church - 3 million
  37. Brazilian Catholic Apostolic Church - 1 million
  38. Old Catholic Church - 0.6 million
  39. Mariavite Church - 0.03 million
Protestantism - 670 million
Historical Protestantism - 350 million
Baptist churches - 105 million[4]
Southern Baptist Convention - 16.3 million[5]
National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. - 7.5 million[6]
National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. - 5 million[7]
Nigerian Baptist Convention - 3 million[8]
Progressive National Baptist Convention - 2.5 million[9]
American Baptist Churches USA - 1.4 million
Brazilian Baptist Convention - 1.4 million
Baptist Bible Fellowship International - 1.2 million[10]
Myanmar Baptist Convention - 1.1 million[11]
Baptist Community of the Congo River - 1 million[11]
National Baptist Convention, Brazil - 1 million
National Primitive Baptist Convention of the U.S.A. - 1 million[10]
National Missionary Baptist Convention of America - 1 million
Samavesam of Telugu Baptist Churches - 0.8 million[12]
Baptist Convention of Kenya - 0.7 million[11]
Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Russia - 0.6 million
Methodism - 75 million
United Methodist Church - 12 million
African Methodist Episcopal Church - 3 million
Methodist Church Nigeria - 2 million[13]
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church - 1.5 million
Church of the Nazarene - 1.9 million
Methodist Church of Southern Africa - 1.7 million[14]
Korean Methodist Church - 1.5 million[15]
United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast[16]
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church - 0.9 million
Methodist Church Ghana - 0.8 million[17]
Free Methodist Church - 0.7 million
Methodist Church in India - 0.6 million[18]
Lutheranism - 87 million[19]
Evangelical Church in Germany - 26.9 million[20]
Church of Sweden - 6.9 million
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - 4.8 million
Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus - 4.7 million
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania - 4.6 million[21]
Danish National Church - 4.5 million
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland - 4.3 million[22]
Batak Christian Protestant Church - 4 million[23]
Church of Norway - 3.9 million
Malagasy Lutheran Church - 3 million
Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod - 2 million
The Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria - 1.7 million[24]
United Evangelical Lutheran Church in India - 1.5 million[25]
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Papua New Guinea - 0.9 million[26]
Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church - 0.8 million[27]
Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil - 0.7 million[28]
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia - 0.6 million[29]
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa - 0.6 million[30]
Reformed churches - 75 million
Presbyterianism - 40 million
Presbyterian Church of East Africa - 4 million[31]
Presbyterian Church of Africa - 3.4 million[32]
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - 3.0 million
United Church of Canada - 2.5 million
Church of Christ in Congo–Presbyterian Community of Congo - 2.5 million[33]
Presbyterian Church of Korea - 2.4 million[34]
Presbyterian Church of Cameroon - 1.8 million[35]
Church of Scotland - 1.1 million[36]
Presbyterian Church of the Sudan - 1 million[37]
Presbyterian Church in Cameroon - 0.7 million[38]
Presbyterian Church of Brazil - 0,7 million [39]
Presbyterian Church of Ghana - 0.6 million[40]
Presbyterian Church of Nigeria - 0.5 million[41]
Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa - 0.5 million[42]
Presbyterian Church in America - 0.3 million
Continental Reformed churches - 30 million
Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar - 3.5 million[43]
United Church of Zambia - 3.0 million[44]
Protestant Church in the Netherlands - 2.5 million[45]
Swiss Reformed Church - 2.4 million
Evangelical Church of Cameroon - 2 million[46]
Protestant Evangelical Church in Timor - 2 million[47]
Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa - 0.7 million[48]
United Church in Papua New Guinea - 0.6 million[49]
United Church of Christ in the Philippines - 0.6 million[50]
Protestant Church in Western Indonesia - 0.6 million[51]
Evangelical Christian Church in Tanah Papua - 0.6 million[52]
Protestant Church in the Moluccas - 0.6 million[53]
Reformed Church in Hungary - 0.6 million[54]
Reformed Church in Romania - 0.6 million[55]
Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa - 0.5 million[56]
Congregationalism - 5 million
United Church of Christ - 1.2 million
Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola - 0.9 million[57]
United Congregational Church of Southern Africa - 0.5 million[58]
Anabaptism and Free churches - 5 million
Schwarzenau Brethren/German Baptist groups - 1.5 million[59]
Mennonites - 1.5 million
Plymouth Brethren - 1 million[60]
Moravians - 0.7 million[61]
Amish - 0.2 million
Hutterites - 0.2 million
Quakers - 0.4 million
Waldensians - 0.05 million
Modern Protestantism - 588 million[62]
Pentecostalism - 130 million
Assemblies of God - 60 million
New Apostolic Church - 11 million
International Circle of Faith - 11 million[63]
The Pentecostal Mission - 10 million
Church of God (Cleveland) - 9 million
International Church of the Foursquare Gospel - 8 million
Church of God in Christ - 6 million
Apostolic Church - 5.5 million
Christian Congregation of Brazil - 2.5 million
Universal Church of the Kingdom of God - 2 million
Church of God of Prophecy - 1 million
God is Love Pentecostal Church - 0.8 million
Indian Pentecostal Church of God - NA
Non-denominational evangelicalism - 80 million
Calvary Chapel - 25 million
Born Again Movement - 20 million
Association of Vineyard Churches - 15 million
New Life Fellowship - 10 million[citation needed]
True Jesus Church - 2.5 million
Charismatic Episcopal Church - NA
African initiated churches - 40 million
Zion Christian Church - 15 million
Eternal Sacred Order of Cherubim and Seraphim - 10 million
Kimbanguist Church - 5.5 million
Church of the Lord (Aladura) - 3.6 million[64]
Council of African Instituted Churches - 3 million[65]
Church of Christ Light of the Holy Spirit - 1.4 million[66]
African Church of the Holy Spirit - 0.7 million[67]
African Israel Niniveh Church[68]
Seventh-day Adventist Church - 17 million
Restoration Movement - 7 million
Churches of Christ - 5 million
Christian Churches and Churches of Christ - 1.1 million[10]
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) - 0.7 million
Eastern Orthodoxy - 210 million
Autocephalous churches
Russian Orthodox Church - 125 million
Romanian Orthodox Church - 18 million
Serbian Orthodox Church - 15 million
Church of Greece - 11 million
Bulgarian Orthodox Church - 10 million
Georgian Orthodox Church - 5 million
Greek Orthodox Church of Constantinople - 3.5 million
Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch - 2.5 million
Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria - 1.5 million
Orthodox Church in America - 1.2 million
Polish Orthodox Church - 1 million
Albanian Orthodox Church - 0.8 million
Cypriot Orthodox Church - 0.7 million
Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem - 0.14 million
Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church - 0.07 million
Autonomous churches
Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) - 7.2 million[69]
Moldovan Orthodox Church - 3.2 million
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 1.25 million
Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia - 0.62 million
Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric - 0.34 million
Estonian Orthodox Church - 0.3 million
Patriarchal Exarchate in Western Europe - 0.15 million
Finnish Orthodox Church - 0.08 million
Chinese Orthodox Church - 0.03 million
Japanese Orthodox Church - 0.02 million
Latvian Orthodox Church - 0.02 million
Non-universally recognized churches
Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate) - 5.5 million[69]
Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church - 2.4 million
Macedonian Orthodox Church - 2 million
Orthodox Church of Greece (Holy Synod in Resistance) - 0.75 million
Old Calendar Romanian Orthodox Church - 0.50 million
Old Calendar Bulgarian Orthodox Church - 0.45 million
Croatian Orthodox Church - 0.36 million
Montenegrin Orthodox Church - 0.05 million
Orthodox Church in Italy - 0.12 million
Other separated Orthodox groups
Old Believers - 1.8 million
Greek Old Calendarists - 0.86 million
Russian True Orthodox Church - 0.85 million
Oriental Orthodoxy - 75 million
Autocephalous churches in communion
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church - 45 million
Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria - 15.5 million
Syriac Orthodox Church - 10 million
Armenian Orthodox Church - 8 million
Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church - 2.5 million
Indian (Malankara) Orthodox Church - 2 million[70]
Armenian Orthodox Church of Cilicia - 1.5 million
Autonomous churches in communion
Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church - 1.2 million[71]
Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople - 0.42 million
Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem - 0.34 million
French Coptic Orthodox Church - 0.01 million
British Orthodox Church - 0.01 million
Churches not in communion
Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church - 1.1 million
Malabar Independent Syrian Church - 0.06 million
Anglicanism - 82 million
Anglican Communion - 80 million[72]
Church of Nigeria - 18 million
Church of England - 13.4 million
Church of Uganda - 8.8 million
Church of South India - 3.8 million
Anglican Church of Australia - 3.7 million
Episcopal Church in the Philippines - 3.0 million
Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia - 2.5 million
Anglican Church of Tanzania - 2.5 million
Anglican Church of Southern Africa - 2.4 million
Episcopal Church of the United States - 2.2 million
Anglican Church of Canada - 2.0 million
Anglican Church of Kenya - 1.5 million
Church of North India - 1.3 million
Church of the Province of Rwanda - 1 million
Church of Pakistan - 0.8 million
Anglican Church of Burundi - 0.8 million[73]
Church of the Province of Central Africa - 0.6 million
Church of Christ in Congo–Anglican Community of Congo - 0.5 million[74]
Scottish Episcopal Church - 0.4 million
Church of Ireland - 0.4 million
Continuing Anglican movement - 1.5 million
Traditional Anglican Communion - 0.5 million
Anglican Church in North America - 0.1 million
Nontrinitarianism - 27 million
Latter Day Saint movement (Mormonism) - 14 million
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 13.5 million[75]
Community of Christ - 0.25 million[76]
Jehovah's Witnesses - 7.1 million
Iglesia ni Cristo - 6 million[77]
Oneness Pentecostalism - 6 million
United Pentecostal Church International - 4 million
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World - 1.5 million
Church of Christ, Scientist - 0.4 million
Friends of Man - 0.07 million
Christadelphians - 0.05 million
Nestorianism - 1 million
Assyrian Church of the East - 0.5 million
Ancient Church of the East - 0.3 million
Religions of the world

Religion             Date Founded          Sacred Texts          Membership         % of the World

Christianity             30 CE                 The Bible [Note1]           2,039 million        32% (dropping)

Islam                    622 CE                 Qur'an & Hadith              1,570 million       22% (growing)

Hinduism             1500 BCE             Bhagavad-Gita,               950 million           13% (stable)
                   with truly ancient roots   Upanishads, & Rig Veda

No religion             -                          None                               775 million           12% (dropping)
(Note 2)

Chinese folk       270 BCE                  None                               390 million             6%

Buddhism           523 BCE               The Tripitaka                       350 -
                                                      (consisting of the                  1,600 million (3)     6% (stable?)
                                                      Vinaya, the Sutras,
                                                       and the Abhidharma)

Tribal Religions,   Prehistory            Oral tradition                         232 million            4%

Atheist                No Date               None                                     150 million            2%

New religions.     Various                 Various                                 103 million           2%

Sikhism               1500 CE              Guru Granth Sahib                  23.8 million          <1%

Judaism               Note 4                 Torah, Tanach, & Talmud      14.5 million          <1%

Spiritism                                                                                        12.6 million           <1%

Baha'i Faith        1863 CE                Alkitab Alaqdas                        7.4 million         <1%

Confucianism       520 BCE               Lun Yu                                     6.3 million          <1%

Jainism                 570 BCE               Siddhanta, Pakrit                       4.3 million         <1%

Zoroastrianism      600 to 6000 BCE  Avesta                                       2.7 million         <1%

Shinto                    500 CE                 Kojiki, Nohon Shoki                  2.7 million         <1%

Taoism Note 5       550 BCE               Tao-te-Ching                             2.7 million         <1%

Other                     Various                  Various                                      1.1 million         <1%

Wicca Note 6         800 BCE,               None                                         0.5 million?       <1%
                              1940 CE

  1. List of Christian denominations by number of members
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. Religions of the world


  1. Basically all of the versions say the same thing, they just use slightly newer words and grammar.
  2. Persons with no formal, organized religion include agnostics, freethinkers, humanists, secularists, etc. Their numbers are growing in Europe, North America, and other places. With the collapse of Communism in the USSR, the total numbers worldwide are dropping.
  3. There is no consensus on the number of Buddhists in the worlds. Estimates of the precise number of Buddhists in the world vary between 350 and 1,500 million, making Buddhism the second, third or fourth largest world religion.
  4. There is no consensus on the data of founding of Judaism. Some claim that Adam and Eve were the first Jews, and lived circa 4000 BCE; others suggest that they, and all biblical persons prior to King David are mythical; they never existed. Some would place the date at the time of Abraham, circa 1900 BCE. Some date it to the Exodus from Egypt circa 1490 BCE; others say that no Exodus happened, and the ancient Hebrews were originally a group that gradually separated from the main body of Canaanites and eventually developed a different culture.
  5. Many, perhaps most, followers of Chinese folk religion follow a number of different religions/philosophies including Taoism. The number cited for Taoism is an estimate of the number of individuals who follow only Taoism.
  6. We have included Wicca even though their numbers are small because such a large percentage of our site's visitors are of that faith. There is no reliable measure of their numbers. Some Wiccans believe that their faith can be traced back to the origins of the Celtic people; other suggest it is a recently created religion and is based on ancient symbols, deities, seasonal celebration and other factors.


  • CE stands for "Common Era." It is a relatively old term that is experiencing rapidly increased usage in recent years. It is expected to eventually replace AD. The latter is an abbreviation for "Anno Domini" in Latin or "the year of the Lord" in English. The latter refers to the approximate birth year of Yeshua of Nazareth (a.k.a. Jesus Christ). CE and AD have the same and value. 2004 CE = 2004 AD. The word "common" simply means that it is based on the most frequently used calendar system: the Gregorian Calendar.
  • BCE stands for "Before the common era." It is expected to eventually replace BC, which means "Before Christ," or "Before the Messiah." Years in the BC and BCE notation are also identical in value. Most theologians and religious historians believe that the approximate birth date of Yeshua of Nazareth (Jesus) was in the fall of a year, sometime between 7 and 4 BCE. However, we have seen estimates as late as 4 CE and as early as the second century BCE.